Senin, 27 Desember 2010

Wong Banyumas (Banyumasan)

People Banyumas better known as Banyumasan. This term to describe the people with the characteristic of "Banyumasan" means not only people who live in areas Banyumas Culture Banyumasan just because it covers areas outside Banyumas.
Based on the history compiled from various sources, mainly from wikipedia Basa Banyumasan Banyumasan that reveal the history of the original version written in Banyumasan and Simple Bahasa Indonesian, more or less like this story ....

Based on these sources said that the people Banyumasan ancestors came from East Kutai area prior to the period of the Hindu Kingdom of Kutai, the alias is still pre-Hindu era. Based on the record of Van der Meulen, then these migrants entered the land of Java, long before the 3rd century Masehi landed in Cirebon, then go into the interior. Most settled in the vicinity of Mount Cermai and partly to continue the journey and settled in the vicinity of Mount Slamet and Serayu River Valley.
Immigrants who settled around Mount Cermai further develop the Sunda civilization while immigrants who settled in the vicinity of Mount Slamet later founded the kingdom of Ancient Galuh.

Galuh Ancient Kingdom established on Mount Slamet has been described is the first kingdom in Central Java and his descendants would become the ruler of the kingdoms in Java.
Galuh Ancient Kingdom was founded around the 1st century Masehi on Mount Slamet, growing up to the 6th century Masehi, with small kingdoms with names Galuh front. Among others, the kingdom:
• Royal Galuh Rahyang locations in Bradford, the capital of Medang Pangramesan
• Royal Galuh Kalangon locations in Roban, the capital of Medang Pangramesan
• Royal Galuh Lalean locations in Cilacap, the capital of Medang Kamulan
• Royal Galuh Tanduran Pananjung locations in the capital in Bagolo
• Royal Galuh Kumara locations in Tegal, the capital of Medangkamulyan
• Royal Galuh Pataka Nanggalacah locations in the capital at Pataka
• Nagara Galuh Middle Kingdom Cineam locations in the capital in Bojonglopang
• Royal Galuh Imbanagara locations in Barunay (Pabuaran), capital of the Imbanagara
• Kingdom of Kalinga Galuh locations in Bojong, the capital of Karangkamulyan
Galuh Ancient Kingdom has a fairly wide territory, ranging from Indramayu, Cirebon, Brebes, Tegal, Pemalang, Bumiayu, Banyumas, Cilacap, Purbalingga, Banjarnegara, Kebumen, Kedu, Kulonprogo and Purwodadi.

Based on the inscriptions Bogor, because the prestige of the kingdom of Ancient Galuh decline overshadowed Dynasti Syilendra in Central Java, which began to flourish, then the capital of the kingdom of Ancient Galuh moved to Kawali (near Garut) and then called the Kingdom of Galuh Kawali.
At that time in the eastern region to grow the kingdom of Kalinga which supposedly is a continuation of the Kingdom of Kalinga Galuh a Galuh Ancient Kingdom in the region.

While in the Kingdom of developing the western region which is a continuation of Tarumanegara Salakanegara kingdom.
During Purnawarman became King Tarumanegara, royal Galuh Tarumanegara Kawali become subordinate kingdom. At the time Tarumanegara kingdom ruled by King Candrawarman subordinate Tarumanegara get his power back including Galuh Kawali. During Tarumanegara under the reign of King Tarusbawa, Wretikandayun King Galuh Kawali secession (independence) from Tarumanegara and received support from the kingdom of Kalinga, and then became the Kingdom Galuh with the central government in the Banjar Pataruman. This Galuh kingdom which later developed into the Kingdom of Pajajaran in West Java.

Though in its development Ancient Kingdom Galuh evolved into the Kingdom of the Kalinga in Central Java and West Java Galuh, Ancient Galuh descendant relationship can stay in touch with the good and marriage occur between the Kingdom so that they appear Sanjaya Dynasty, who then has the descendant of kings in Java.
Area Galuh Ancient Kingdom before moving to Kawali have a fairly wide territory, ranging from Indramayu, Cirebon, Brebes, Tegal, Pemalang, Bumiayu, Banyumas, Cilacap, Purbalingga, Banjarnegara, Kebumen, Kedu, Kulonprogo and Purwodadi.
Based on the study conducted by EM language Uhlenbeck, 1964, in his book: "A Critical Survey of Studies on the Languages of Java and Madura", The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, the language used by the "Ancient Galuh descent" into the Genetic Bases Kulon part of Java that include: Sub-Dialects Lor Banten, Cirebon dialect Sub / Indramayu, Sub Dialect moor, Sub Dialect Banyumas, Sub Dialect Bumiayu (transitional moor with Banyumas), dialect group is commonly called the Java language or languages ngapak Ngapak-Banyumasan.

If we see from this history, the information that the development of civilization Banyumasan already grown so long before the days of the Majapahit Kingdom. This means that civilization and culture is very old Banyumasan language long before the Islamic Mataram Kingdom which later split into the Surakarta and Yogyakarta.
Banyumas term itself came long after the Ancient Kingdom of Galuh namely when Raden Jaka Kaiman build Duchy Center in Forest Mangli Kejawar precisely at the end of the kingdom of Mataram Kingdom Pajang before Islam appeared. Please read the Tree Copper and Origins Banyumas.

At the time of the Sultanate of Demak (1478 - 1546), Banyumasan region consists of several Duchy, including the Duchy of Pasirluhur with Adipatinya Many Belanak, also Duchy Wirasaba with Duke Mr. Wargo Utomo I. The extent of the power of the Sultanate of Demak make Trenggono Sultan (Sultan of Demak to III) feel the need to have a strong army, to the regions of the Sultanate of Demak was in the military is divided into several regional military command. For the Western region, Sultan Trenggono lift Duke Many Belanak as the Western Defense Command Region with regional coverage includes up to the mountain Kerawang Cleft (Wonosobo). As one of the Sultanate of Demak War Commander, Duke was awarded the title of Prince Senopati Pasirluhur Mangkubumi I whereas sister named Wirakencana appointed Patih.

After the death of Sultan Trenggono, Demak Sultanate split into 3 parts, one of which is governed by Joko Pajang Tingkir and hold Adiwijaya Sultan (1546-1587). At this time, most of the Banyumasan region, including the power Pajang.
Following the policy of his predecessor, Sultan Adiwijaya Duke also lift Pasirluhur who was held Wirakencana, became the title of Prince Senopati Pajang Mangkubumi II. Meanwhile, Duke of the Duchy Wirasaba, Mr. Wargo Utomo I died and one of his sons (son-in-law) named Raden Joko Kaiman Adiwijaya be appointed by the Sultan with the title of Duke Wirasaba Mr. Wargo Utomo II, he became Duke of Wirasaba to VII.
Toward the end of the glory of the kingdom Pajang and began the founding of the kingdom of Mataram (1587), Mr. Wargo Utomo II Duke of the Duchy Wirasaba hand over power to his brothers, while he himself chose to form new Duchy Duchy Banyumas name and he became the first Duke with the title of Duke Marapat.

Furthermore, the Duchy is a fast growing Banyumas, telebih after the center moved to Sudagaran Kadipatennya - Banyumas, the influence of power-Duchy Duchy of other causes has narrowed. Along with the development of the Kingdom of Mataram, Duchy Banyumasan-Duchy in the region was subject to the power of Mataram.
The power of Mataram on-Duchy Duchy Banyumasan region does not automatically enter Banyumasan region into the "inner circle" of power Mataram so-Duchy Duchy Banyumasan region still has the autonomy and resident of Mataram was called the region as a region Worldwide Banyumasan Kulon.

Before the Dutch came in, the area referred to as regions Worldwide Banyumasan Kulon with a range of areas including, among Bagelen (Purworejo) until Majenang (Cilacap). Called Abroad Kulon since that time the government center is located in the region or regions of Surakarta wetan.
Starting on June 22, 1830, the region is politically Worldwide Kulon entry under Dutch colonial government control, that was the beginning of Dutch colonialism, as well as the end of the occupation of the Mataram kingdom on earth Banyumasan. Furthermore, the Duke in the Banyumasan region was no longer subject to the King of Mataram, they then selected and appointed by the Governor-General of the Netherlands and selected from among the indigenous population, generally the sons or close relatives last Duke.

Governments in the region governed by the Constitution Nederland Banyumasan which in Article 62 paragraph 2 states that the general government in the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia) made by the Governor General on behalf of the Dutch kingdom. Governor General is the chief executive has the right to appoint and dismiss officials in the Dutch East Indies, including the Adipatinya. At that time the Governor General is Johannes Graaf van den Bosch (January 16, 1830 - July 2, 1833).
Efforts to control the Duke is actually for the Dutch easily mobilize people to be employed in the Dutch-owned plantations are better known by the forced cultivation. Preparation of the establishment of Dutch colonial rule in the region conducted by the Resident of Pekalongan Banyumasan named Hallewijn. Hallewijn Banyumasan arrived in the region on June 13, 1830 with the primary task of preparing for civil governance in the region Banyumasan. He is assisted among others by Vitalis as administrator also Captain Not as commander of troops.

September 20, 1830, Hallewijn give general report his work to the Commissioner General of the Kingdom of the De Kock in Sokaraja, among the contents of the report is about the scope Banyumasan region that includes (from east): Kebumen, Banjar (Banjarnegara), Panjer, Dad, Prabalingga ( Purbalingga), Banyumas, Kroya, Adireja, Patikraja, Purwakerta (Navan), Ajibarang, Karangpucung, Sidareja, Majenang to Daiyoe-loehoer (Dayeuhluhur), including therein the lands fief (the Parties) as Donan and Kapungloo. At a meeting in Sokaraja was finally inaugurated the establishment of residency of Banyumas which covers most foreign territory west, the next date of 1 November 1830 de Sturler inaugurated as the first Resident Banyumas.
On December 18, 1830 through the Governor-General JG Beslit van den Bosch, Residency Banyumas expanded with the inclusion of District Karangkobar (Banjarnegara), Nusakambangan island, Madura (formerly including Cirebon region) and Karangsari (formerly including Tegal region).

To streamline the running of the government, the Dutch colonial government on August 22, 1831 form 4 Regentschap (district) in the area of residency of Banyumas namely, Banyumas, Ajibarang, Daiyoe-loehoer and Prabalingga, each headed by a Regent native. In addition, Resident de Sturler also made changes spelling of names and formation Afdeling structure that serves as an assistant resident in each district.
Among those experiencing the change of name is Prabalingga be Poerbalingga, Daiyoe-Loehoer become Dayoehloehoer and Banjar become Banjarnegara, subsequently expanded to include areas Banjarnegara Karangkobar District, statusnyapun upgraded to a district.

Afdeling formation include, County and District Dayoehloehoer Afdeling Ajibarang into one that is Afdeling Ajibarang with capital Ajibarang and DA Varkevisser was appointed as Assistant Resident in Ajibarang as well as a "companion" Ajibarang Mertadiredja II Regent and Regent Dayoehloehoer R. Tmg. Prawiranegara. Three other districts namely Banyumas, Banjarnegara Purbalingga and each has its own Afdeling.
Banyumasan region is an area that includes eight districts namely: Kebumen, Cilacap District, Brebes, Tegal regency, regency Pemalang, Banjarnegara District, Purbalingga and Banyumas.

Banyumasan culture has its own characteristics that are different from other regions in Central Java, although the roots are still the Javanese culture. It is strongly associated with the character of a highly egalitarian society without knowing the term royal or aristocratic. This is also reflected in the language of Banyumasan language which basically do not know the level of social status. The use of subtle language (kromo) is basically an intense absorption due to interaction with other Java community (wetanan) and this is a society's ability Banyumasan in appreciating foreign cultures. Respect for older people are generally displayed in the form of respect, affection and good manners in the act. It is inevitable that the influence of feudalism but it seems it is not an original character Banyumasan community. In addition egalitarian society Banyumasan known to have a personality that honest and forthright or so-called Cablaka / Blakasuta.

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