Senin, 27 Desember 2010

The Origin of BANYUMAS

At first glance this tree looks like a normal tree, and yet if we look more closely and carefully, directly tree has yellowish brown color typical metal like copper. This tree is an "inscription" living history Banyumas, because according to the Chronicle and Banyumas historical story, from this point milestone of commencement or beginning construction of Banyumas. This tree is located in an area that was first built as the government center in the forest Banyumas Mangli Kejawar area and is now located in the Village Kalisube, Grumbul Mangli, District Banyumas.

Place the beginning of government and Banyumas name.
According to research, forest area Mangli Kejawar is the first place built government center Duke Wargo Oetomo II (Djoko Kahiman / Duke Mrapat) after leaving Wirasaba.
Based on the story which is also believed to society, he received “wisik” to go somewhere Copper tree growth. In the forest tree Mangli Copper is found in question, at east of the meeting rivers and streams Pasinggangan Banyumas. Then begin to build this place as a center funded by the government with Kyai Mranggi Semu in Kejawar.

When was rushing to build the government center, happened at that time there was a large piece of wood floating in the river Serayu. The tree was named “Kayu Mas” tree examined originated from the village of Karangjambu (Sub Kejobong, Bukateja, Purbalinga District), now the east Wirasaba. Oddly timber suspended in the river near the construction site Serayu center of government. Duke Marapat touched his heart to see the events, then be willing to take it to be a Diamond Wood “Saka Guru”. Because it's called Timber wood Mas (Kayu Mas) and washed away (banyu), the central government that built it and then given the name Banyumas (a blend of water (banyu) and Kayu Mas).

Brief history of Raden Djoko Kahiman (Duke Marapat)
Raden Djoko Kahiman or Semangoen is the son of Raden Duke Harjo Banjaksosro dari Pasir Luhur who since childhood nurtured and taken foster children by Kyai and Nyai Mranggi Semoe in Kejawar. Kyai Mranggi real name is Kyai Sambarta and Nyai Mranggi is Nyai Ngaisah.
After that, Raden Djoko Kahiman then devoted himself to the Duke Wirasaba named Duke Wargo Oetomo I and eventually Raden Djoko Kahiman became law Bupati Wargo Oetomo I, married to his eldest daughter named Rara Kartimah.
Once Duke got the command of Sultan Wirasaba to dedicate one of his daughters to be “garwa ampean”. By The Duke offered his youngest daughter is named Rara Soekartijah, who in childhood had an arranged marriage with his brother's son Ki Ageng Tojareka, but after the adult Rara Soekartijah refused to settle down and divorced before the assembly.

Ki Ageng Tojareka hurt then make defamation that caused the wrath of the Sultan Pajang and ordered Gandek to kill the Duke Wirasaba on the way home without some research first. But when examined, Sultan very fault, and then ordered Gandek II to follow Gandek earlier scrapped plans to kill the Duke of Wargo Oetomo I, but it was too late. Place of occurrence in Bener Village, the Duke of Wargo Oetomo I also known as Duke Sedo Bener, while he was in pasarehan Pakiringan cemetery, east of the city of Banyumas, now entering territory Purworejo Klampok.

Sultan Pajang regret later called the son of Duke Wirasaba decreed that overlooks the Sultanate Pajang, but all the sons of Wargo Oetomo I do not have the courage to face, at last with heroic and patriotic spirit because the assumption would be killed, too, went Raden Djoko Kahiman facing Sultan Pajang. Unexpectedly Raden Djoko Kahiman even Wirasaba VII appointed the Duke with a bachelor Duke Wargo Oetomo II to replace Wargo Oetomo I that have died because of a misunderstanding. Sultan Pajang provides all the wisdom of the Duchy Wirasaba to Wargo Oetomo II.
With the greatness of his soul Duke Wargo Oetomo II do not want selfish (mukti sendiri), because he was the son-in-law, then ask the blessing for the region are allowed to share power Wirasaba into 4 regions.

According to the results of research and seminars, day, date, month, year Djoko Kahiman be lifted Raden Wirasaba VII, who holds Wargo Oetomo II is: Friday (Jum’at Pon), dated 12 Rabiul Awal `990 H coincides with the beginning date of 6 April 1582 M
Upon returning from Pajang then Djoko Kahiman Raden which had been made Duke of Wirasaba VII, he divided his territory into four, namely:
1. Banjar given to Ngabehi Wirojoedo aquaculture.
2. Merden given to Ngabehi Wirokoesoemo.
3. Wirasaba given to Ngabehi Wargowidjojo.
4. While he gave up back to Kejawar with the intention of the government is starting to build a new center.
Based on historical research established Anniversary Banyumas is Kliwon Friday, the 12th of Rabi `H coincides with the beginning of 990 6 April 1582 M.

source: Sejarah Banyumas, wikipedia indonesia

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