Rabu, 29 Desember 2010

The Puppet Gagrag Banyumasan

As the Java community in general, society Banyumasan also liked to watch the puppet show. Leather puppet show in the region are more likely to follow puppetry Banyumas "gagrag" or Banyumasan typical style of puppetry. Puppetry art style is similar Banyumasan gagrag Yogya-Solo Kedu mixed both in terms of stories, mysticism and “sabetannya”, language that use for puppetry still follow the withdrawal language, only language spoken by the clown-servants Banyumasan language. The names of puppet figures are generally the same, only a few names of different characters such as Bagong (Solo) becomes Bawor or Carub. According to the model of Yogya-Solo, Bagong is the youngest son of Ki Semar, the oldest child Banyumas version. Bawor character is the mascot of Banyumas community.
The main characteristic of the puppet is the breath populist gagrag Banyumasan so thick and Ki Dalang is trying to show the reality of the dynamics of life that exist in society. People of puppetry for The puppet Gagrag Banyumasan famous today among other Ki Sugito Purbacarito, Ki Sugino Siswacarito, Ki Suwarjono and others.

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