Selasa, 28 Desember 2010

Traditional Art of Banyumasan

Arts and Culture typical Banyumasan grow and age with Old Javanese civilization. Banyumasan culture is also enriched by the inclusion of cultural styles Mataram (Yogya-Solo) and Sundanese (Pasundan / Priangan). From the Banyumasan culture is born of traditional art forms are also characterized as “ebeg” Banyumasan, Lengger-calung, nod, shadow puppets gagrak Banyumasan, gendhing Banyumasan, begalan and others. While in the area directly adjacent to areas of West Java has a style more like art sisingaan Pasundan culture, drum Rampak, rengkong, calung and others.

Ebeg 'is a type of folk dance that developed in the Banyumasan region. Another variant of this type of art in other areas known as lumping or lesson horse braid, there is also a named jathilan (Yogyakarta) also reog (East Java). This dance uses "ebeg" that is shaped like bamboo, black or white horse and given a rattle. The dancers wear long pants batik cloth coated knee and black glasses, wearing a crown and sumping at his ears. In both wrist and ankle bracelets rattle fitted so that the movement of hands and feet of dancers ebeg always accompanied by the rattle sound. Number of dancers ebeg 8 people or more, two people acting as penthul-stretchy, a role as a leader or a mastermind, 7 people again as gamelan, so one can ebeg group of 16 people or more. All dancers use a tool-stretchy penthul ebeg while wearing a mask. Dance ebeg including the type of mass dance, the show requires a fairly broad performances such as field or yard / driveway that is wide enough. Show time is generally during the day with a duration of between 1-4 hours.

Equipment used for accompaniment gendhing include drums, saron, kenong, gongs and horns. In addition to gendhing equipment and dance, there is also “ubarampe” (offerings) that must be provided in the form of: flowers, bananas, coconut (dewegan), snacks, etc. To accompany this dance is always used songs like ricik Banyumasan rhythm-ricik, gudril, blendrong, lung gadung, (cirebonan), and others. A unique, when performances, while the trans (trance / mendem) of the players usually eat broken glass (glass) or other sharp items, peeling coconuts with his teeth, eat rice from the stalks, “dhedek” (katul), fire, etc. So that shows his strength Satria, as well as players who to ride horse braid depict valor hussar with all the attractions. Usually in the show “ebeg “ equipped with attractions Barongan, Penthul and Cepet. In the show, accompanied by gamelan ebeg commonly known “Bendhe”.

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